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Getting Started

  1. Browse the available Services

    Take a look at our Services to see what choices are available. Is there any Service you can exploit in one of your applications? Use the supplied Services to quickly construct a fully featured application.
    Explore our Services

  2. LOGIN

    Found the Service? Login now with SSOID (Rajasthan Single-Sign-On) and get started. It is free to join.

  3. Register an application

    Before you can use a Service you have to register your application. When you register an application, the application is assigned a unique client ID . You must use the client ID when you call a Service that requires you to identify your application by using a client ID. Check the Service description for the details.

  4. Select a plan

    Finally, now that your application is registered, you need to subscribe to a plan. The plan determines the number of Service calls that your application can make. Some plans are free and no approval is required, some require approval, and some require approval and a monthly subscription. Think about what you need and choose the most suitable plan.

All done! You are subscribed , registered, and ready to go.


On-Board Document RSD       Customer Service Testing Document